Desperate for Answers, Lost in the Shuffle

The problem with traditional health care:

Medical care unfortunately has changed in the years since I received my training in Internal Medicine at UCSF. Gone are appointments that were allotted adequate time to delve into complex medical conditions. Patients are limited to “one problem” appointments that make it impossible for patient care to be comprehensive in scope.

The ‘one problem per appointment’ approach makes comprehensive patient care a challenge.

Limited time also places the emphasis on prescription pills rather than on getting at the root cause of problems and utilizing other methods of health restoration. No one suffers more than the complex patient who goes from doctor to doctor trying to find answers while becoming lost in the shuffle….

If this sounds familiar… Boulder Peak Health was created for you.  

Nothing brings me greater joy than seeing a patient’s health restored.

Why Boulder Peak Health?

Dr. Silver will take the time to review all of your prior records and your answers to a comprehensive intake health questionnaire before you meet. During your first consultation, Dr. Silver will ask you many more questions in order to help render a diagnosis. Additional labs, including specialty labs, and/or imaging may be requested to help with her diagnosis.

“What impressed me the most was Dr. Silver’s determination to get me to a “healthy” state, there was no doubt in her mind that she would solve my issue. She looked at my body’s health as a whole, not just at the one condition I went in for. As it turns out, Dr. Silver discovered and addressed many other health problems I had… Words are not adequate to express my gratitude.”

— Lourdes D.

At the close of each appointment, Dr. Silver will send you a summary of recommendations that you will receive via your HIPAA secure patient portal. Instead of feeling lost in the shuffle — you will feel listened to, cared for and empowered with information about the “whys” and “hows” to see your health restored.

This is what Dr. Silver’s patients have to say…